Peru is famous for its ancient remains like Macchu Picchu or Caral and its mixed culture mixture of Spanish, Inca and African but Peru has a lot of natural resources too, I´m not talking about the forest, animals and fishes; mineral resources like Gold, Cupper and Iron; and Hydrocarborns are found in the country.
This kind of resources creates a lot of oportunities for foreign companies who came to the country and start to explore and explote the resources. Well in part this is good because create more job oportunities and increase the national economy but what happen with the enviroment many of these companies do not control his waste and garbage and create pollution in the air or contamined water another point against is the long-term plan, the natural resources are not unlimited, one day they will end and all of our economical system will probably go down.
I have the pleasure of say that I´ve worked in a mine company for a few months, the work there is very nice and exciting but is so dangerous there are too many thing that can hurt you or even kill you. Imagine you are walking pacefully for the plant and suddenly near to you are a big truck, yes these truck who the tires are bigger than you
Ok ok it isn´t so tragic but can happen, well for the nice point of view is very interesting see the machines and the equipment used many of them has a great technology and are easy to use and do changes. The trucks, drillers ,Crushers and conveyors are pieces of technology very complex.
These kind of thing makes a mine a interesting place to work, but for me is not the most interesting place I think there are more interesting places to work, like a liquefaction plant in other post I will tell you what is this my experience there.
C ya
PD: I hope write more continued.